Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

It's time for another update.  I realized I never posted Asher's stats from our Friday visit to the doctor. For the interested parties, he weighed 17 lbs 12 oz coming in at the 55th percentile (a DRASTIC difference from the 93rd percentile he was shortly after birth, but the doc said everything looked good!)  Even though he's not technically "on the go" yet, he wiggles and squirms with the best of them, and is toning up that round belly of his seen in previous weekly pics.  :)  Height was 27.5 inches, holding steady at the 84th percentile.

He's loving sitting up, but isn't 100% stable yet.  We refer to this as the zone of safety. :)

As for my birthday...

I had an awesome birthday weekend!  Saturday we went to Des Moines and put to use some gift cards from Christmas (always nice to shop with gifted money :) ).  We also had dinner at Red Robin, where we ate too much and learned that it's no longer quite as easy to take Asher out to eat as it used to be (when he'd contentedly sleep through the whole meal in his car seat). 

Sunday evening we went to a grill-out one of our friends had organized and Eric made homemade ice cream for everyone for my birthday.  It was absolutely de-lish! 

Monday was my actual birthday and I really just wanted a day together with my little family, so the best gift of all was that Eric had the day off.  He made the day special.  Made me breakfast in bed. Waffles with strawberries and cool whip - one of my faves!

Showered me with gifts.  A rotary blade for sewing, a really cool granite mortar and pestle for cooking, a book about writing cause he knows it's a dream of mine to publish something someday, a new razor which I really needed, and then he switched our closets because his had more space and lower shelves and he knew I'd been wanting to for a while. And each gift came with a really nice paragraph about me too.  Such a good hubby! 

We then had a picnic lunch at the park, and put Asher in the swing for a while. Hung out for the afternoon.  Did some fonduing for supper and then just relaxed, watched some t.v., and had some cake before bed, which Eric made and decorated for me.  It was an awesome day, an awesome long birthday weekend.

My fave - Confetti Angel Food... Yum!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today's picture features our spring chick in yellow on yellow.  He just keeps getting bigger!  By request, I'm working on a collage of his first 6 months of pictures for your enjoyment.  Keep an eye out for it.  We had a great weekend, with it being a 3-day weekend and Meagan's birthday!  She'll update you on it soon.

And I just can't resist his squishy face pictures :)


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sooo much poop.

I just had a ridiculously, crazy moment with Asher. 

I was putting him to sleep for a nap and I heard him poop. I thought, "Shoot, gotta ruin this progress toward sleep, and change his diaper (which inevitably wakes him up)."  As I reach to shift him, I realize that I'm putting my hand in poop and as I lift him.  I, then, discover there is poop ALL over the front of my shirt, which conveniently gets spread across my arm as I shift him. At this time, the pacifier- which I attempt to catch as it fell out of Asher's mouth- also smears through the poop.  I'm thinking, "Did I just get his diaper on wrong or what in the world happened?"  But no, after plopping him down on the mat, stripping my poop-laden clothes, scrubbing off my arm, and coming back to find poop on Asher's hands as well (which I pray didn't make its way into his mouth), I discover his diaper is COMPLETELY full of poop, as well. It was just more poop than he's ever pooped in his little life, and more poop than that diaper was designed to hold.  I've gone through like 6 wipes at this point, and am just not making much of a dent, when Asher's decides it would be the PERFECT moment to pee.  ALL over my bare stomach and legs.  It was at this point that I decided to give up on the wipes. This was a task for the bath tub.  For both of us. 

Anyway, I finally got us both cleaned up, lotioned up, and redressed.  Got Asher's pacifier thoroughly sterilized. Got him snuggled back up and off to sleep. 

He's now sleeping peacefully. Lucky boy.  Guess what I get to do?

The diaper and wipes are still out on the mat (which, of course, happened to be a cloth diaper), my poop filled clothes are still poop filled on the living room floor, his poop filled clothes are strewn across the bathroom... And not one bone in my body wants to get up and deal with the mess. Any takers? 

Welcome to parenthood.  Thankfully I'm laughing, and not crying. :)


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gorgeous weather!

Enjoying the gorgeous weather on his 1/2 birthday yesterday!  :) 


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy 6th Months, Asher!

Our sweet boy is 6 months old today!  His doctor's appointment will be on Friday, so we'll post his height and weight stats then. He's super strong, super snuggly, most always cheerful, and FINALLY has been getting back to being a good sleeper this past week! Praise God! He was only up once last night!  He adores looking around and seeing everything and taking everything in, craning his neck so he doesn't miss a thing!  But he's also a little timid and can get overstimulated and startles fairly easily.  It takes him a little while to warm up to things, but once he does they're new automatic favorites. :)   He's sitting up like a pro, and can roll over, but hasn't yet figured out he can use his new skill to move from one place to another, which I don't necessarily mind, as he still stays where I put him. :)  His new favorite noise is squealing with pleasure, which we LOVE hearing.   He's just such a happy boy! 

Happy 1/2 Birthday, buddy.  We love you!  

A moment of excitement that he could hardly contain. :)


Monday, May 21, 2012

More Firsts

Friday night, we took Asher to the pool for the first time!  He never cried, but he wasn't really excited either... just kind of unsure.  Held on pretty tight. :)    Eric and I had a blast, though!

Saturday, Asher and I went swinging for the first time (while we were waiting for Dad to get done kayaking). He didn't cry, but he wasn't excited either.... just kind of unsure.   He was thrilled to be at the park by the river though... so many new things to look at!   (Wish we had a few more pics from the day!)

And Sunday, we gave him solid food for the first time!  He didn't cry, but he wasn't excited either... just kind of unsure....  I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but that's just how our weekend went.  He'll warm up to all these new excitements in life eventually!

In fact tonight was already much better with the food.  He ate almost all of it! :)   It just takes our little guy a little time to warm up to new things...

Anyway, that's all I've got for tonight!  Be on the look out for our weekly pic tomorrow!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Perspectives change...

My birthday is in less than 2 weeks, but it is interesting how perspectives change when you have a baby, because I am far more excited right now for Asher's 1/2 birthday next week than for my own. Mostly because we are going to give him solids for the first time, and I just can't wait to see how he reacts!  He's been watching us eat like a hawk! Can you believe Asher is going to be 6 months in a week?!

The other perspective change I'm dealing with is in regards to sleep.  You know how 50 degrees feels so cold in the fall after you've had summer and yet it feels so warm in the spring after winter?  That's how I feeling about Asher getting up 5 times a night these days.  For the majority of the first 4 1/2 months of his little life, Asher was an awesome sleeper, waking up only once or twice a night.  At 3 months, you may remember, we even had a whole week when he slept 8-9 hours without waking up... and then all of a sudden because of one sickness after another, last month he started waking up 5-6 times a night. It was pretty rough on me.  But then... it got worse.  Last week there were nights when I was probably up 10 times or more.  We had some pleasing success with letting him cry it out... fell asleep after only 10 minutes of fussing while I patted his back... but the next morning he woke up with a nasty cold, and I just couldn't bear to keep having him cry it out when he felt so miserable.  Anyway, where I'm going with this is just to say that I'm now rejoicing when I only have to get up 5 times... funny how your perspective can change so fast. (Though I do hope with every fiber in my being that he'll go back to only getting up once a night soon!  Maybe someday...)    

Here he is, one week shy of 6 months, coming off of a nasty cold. Still as sweet as ever.


Monday, May 14, 2012

My first Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day ended up being a fantastic day.  We went to church and out to eat with friends as normal, and then Eric took me to Earl May to pick out some flowers for my garden, and we spent some time out in the yard.  It was nice, but Eric had a commitment from 3:00-6:30, and while he was sorry he had to leave me alone on my first Mother's Day, commitments are commitments and I'm proud of him for being such a man of integrity.  However, I sat home feeling a little mopey, fighting my selfishness, and then - what do you know - at 4:00 there was an unexpected knock on the door and my mom, dad, and grandma had driven three hours for a surprise visit!  It was so great getting to see my mom on Mother's Day, especially when I was home alone and it was so unexpected.  We went on a walk to take advantage of the gorgeous weather, and then went out to eat after Eric got home.  We were able to skype with Eric's mom as well, and he said such sweet things to her that he made her cry (...that's when you know, as a woman, that you got a good one.)

We don't do as good as the Dobbs' with picture taking :), but here are a few from my family visit.

Well... let me tell you a little story first. I inherited eyes that are hyper-sensitive to light. Sunlight, camera flashes, pretty much any bright light causes my eyes to tear up, or at the very least, get all squinty. Eric is constantly telling me to open my eyes in pictures. 

Take 1...

Take 2...

 It really takes a concentrated effort. 

Anyway, the reason I tell you this story is that we took a four generation pic with my family while my grandma was here, and it dawned on me that I am presenting you with the direct genetic line of my eye sensitivity.  These pics made us laugh because we truly understand one another and our "affliction" with light. :)  For your viewing pleasure...



All three of us...

And did we think to take pictures on Mother's Day when all of us were dressed up and looking nice? Of course not, why would we do that when we could take them first thing the next morning? :)

Thankfully Asher does not seem to have inherited our eyes. It's hard to find one that you might call "the best", but I guess this might be it.  It's the best you're going to get with the morning light shining in the window and the camera flashing for the umteenth time. Of course by now, we're all laughing and talking and Asher's about at the end of his rope.  (Take a look at his progression through the pics. :)... He's like "come on guys, I got it on the first try!")


Anyway here's a few more of the moms...  (Also the next morning)

Unfortunately this is one of the few we got of Asher in his adorable outfit that he wore on Mother's Day.  We'll have to put him back in it for a better shot another day...   But, anyway, this little guy and his happy demeanor are the best mother's day gifts I could possibly ask for!

I love you, buddy! I'm so glad I get to be your mom.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Visit from the Dobbs!

We hung out with Eric's family the past couple weekends and Asher loved every minute of all the extra attention!  Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Lyndsey were here visiting, and then the next weekend, we were in Illinois visiting Eric's Grandma.  It was the first time Aunt Lyndsey, Great Aunt Reena, Great Uncle Brian and Great Grandma Scherer got to meet Asher.  We had a blast!  They're also way better at remembering to take pictures than I am... so thanks for all the fun photos with Asher!

Grandpa Dobbs

Grandma Dobbs

Aunt Lyndsey

Great Aunt Reena

Great Grandma Scherer

Four Generations!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

So many posts... so little time!

I have so many blog posts half finished and not so much time these days to complete and post them.  I've had one in the works for months on Asher's eczema (thrilling I know) which may or may not ever be published, an awesome string of pics from when Eric's family was here a few weeks ago that I'll try to get up later today, an update on the milestones he's hit which I'll just try to summarize here, a pictoral story of his first playdate yesterday [I babysat for one of our friend's twins - that is one of her twins, not both :) - while she was at the dentist] which is fun because it was Asher's first time really "playing" with another baby on the floor together and I'll try to post eventually, an update on cloth diapering and some thoughts on sleep that are both still floating around in my brain.

However I just took this pic, and I couldn't help not sharing.  Both he and the buddy he took to bed with him, fell asleep with their legs crossed.  I promise this was not staged!  Soo cute!  :)

However, our poor baby is sick again with another cold!  He's been sleeping horrendously the past two nights but I thought maybe he was teething... but no, today he's 100% mouth breathing, and being ridiculously clingy.  Poor guy. Took a good hour to get him to fall asleep and take a much needed nap!  (Bethany, I really hope Adelynn doesn't come down with it after playing with him all afternoon yesterday! Sorry!)

Anyway, as for those milestones... Asher rolled over yesterday! Finally!  Well he rolled from back to front. Once.  But, at 5 1/2 months, it's a lot better than nothing.  Though he also sat up by himself yesterday for a good 30 seconds or so before throwing himself back.  He's well on his way to being an independent sitter-upper!  :) Late on one skill, early on another.  As they say, every child does things in their own time.

I'm going to go try to be productive while he's sleeping, but we'll see if we can't get those other posts up tonight or tomorrow as well! 


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Almost forgot!

I almost forgot about the Tuesday pic this week. Eric reminded me on his way home tonight, and I wasn't really up for it.  I did not dress him for it, and even though he looks awesome in blue, I have no idea if we've done a weekly pic in this same outfit previously, and his pants have also turned themselves into man-capris.  But we decided to do it anyway, and I'm sooo glad we did.  It was THE most fun photo shoot we've ever had!  He can not yet roll over, can not yet sit, or obviously crawl, but he was so mobile and so in control of his wobbly movements.  It was as if he'd discovered the chair for the first time.  He figured out how to rock the chair (whether he knew what he was doing or not), and he was enthralled with the soft checkered squares on the arm rest.  Leaning over to caress it, eat it, and then push himself back up into a sitting position, only to "crawl right back over."  He was ALL OVER, and it was sooo much fun!    

Case in point.

I love this pic for three reasons.

 #1 Can you believe how flexible babies are?  I mean, seriously, look at the location of his left foot.
 #2 He is entirely enthralled with an armrest. Who needs toys?
 #3 This is the first time I've seen any semblance of mischeviousness in his eyes, and I think his expression's adorable. :)
Anyway, we've gotta run!  See ya later!


Friday, May 4, 2012


We've been meaning to post this video for a couple of weeks now, we've been referencing it, and well, here it finally is!  Asher's newsest talent (which we find quite hilarious and adorable, of course). 


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May!

Happy May Day!  Today's one of my favorite holidays (okay, okay, I know say that every holiday, I'm just a holiday lover).  Unfortunately, it snuck up on me and I'm kinda sad I'm not compiling May baskets today.  BUT I am super excited to be able to make them with Asher next year and in the years to come.  I figure holidays are just that much more fun to celebrate when you're also creating traditions for your children, and I'm absolutely looking forward to celebrating holidays next year when Asher's more capable of appreciating them!

I think I also like the day cause it's the start of my birthday month! So happy May to me. :) 

Anyway, it's Tuesday, Asher's picture day, so let's chat about him. :)   He'll celebrate his 1/2 birthday in May as well, which is also sneaking up on me.  How did our little guy get so big already?!  And yet I love the new developments that each stage brings!  He's constantly more interactive, which is a super big deal when it's just him and me at home by ourselves for 8 hours everyday.  Most days, we have a blast!  :)  

I want to make sure you notice that he's sitting up all by himself in the pic today!  Sure he topples pretty quick, but he's more stable everyday!  And when I leaned him back against the chair he kept pulling himself up into a sitting position all by himself!  (In fact, it was tough to get a pic of him upright, because by the time I'd get the camera ready again -after propping him back up- he had sat forward and toppled again!) 

Just when I thought we were done with the toppling over... he's trying something new... but it sure is fun to watch...
