I feel like it's been FOREVER since I blogged and maybe it has been since Eric's been doing the weekly pictures for me the past couple of weeks. Anyway, it's nice to have a minute to sit down and write. Asher's really been blessing me with sleep lately! Last night I got up to feed him only once at 1:30 and then he continued sleeping without interruption until 8:45. He also slept through the night one night this weekend!
Oh, and as of this past week, he'll finally nap in his crib! Thankfully, just in time, because we're returning his borrowed swing to my sister in July and he's just about getting too big for his bouncer (the two places he used to nap).
We've been up to all kinds of fun in the Dobbs household. Asher's just a blast right now. So much thought behind his eyes and increased movement and more intentional action all the time.
Case in point... when I went to wash my hands after changing him, he rolled on his tummy grabbed the mat and then rolled back onto his back taking it with him... (course then he cried cause he couldn't figure out how to get it off his head.)
He's almost wriggled out my arms several times now, gotta hold on tight to him these days. He decides he needs to lunge for everything! But that's a good thing as he continues to develop I guess! Eric shared with you that he's rolling both ways now (finally) and he also attempts to scoot, though without success at this point. Looks more like swimming on the floor. :)
Speaking of swimming we made another visit to the pool yesterday. It was a little too cold for him to be happy anywhere but snuggled up tight in my arms, but we had fun, as short of a trip as it was.
Here's Asher lounging poolside. :)
Here's a few more pics of all the fun we've been up to!
(He actually's eating really well, but still scruches his face every time I introduce something new.)
And all the fun leaves him plum tuckered out!
(This was on our way to Rapid City... he sleeps so great in the car for us!)
So yeah, we recently returned from spending a week in Rapid City for an extended stay with Eric's parents surrounding the weekend of Eric's 10 year class reunion. It was a ton of fun, as it always is, to head out to what I refer to as "the gateway to vacation land." There's just something about driving out there that is reminiscent to me of my many childhood vacations to the Rockies and surrounding western region. The closer you get to Rapid, the more the land starts changing from flat Iowa farmland to hills and dramatic rock formations. It's the leaping off point to many wonderful destinations of exploration and adventure deeply ingrained in my childhood memories. :) Hence, "the gateway to vacation land!"
We got old time pictures taken again (at Professor Samuel's in Keystone), but this time with Asher!!! We love stopping there! :) Isn't our little cowboy adorable?!!
(Sorry for the fuzziness, it's tough to take a picture of a framed photograph with glass!)
....and we just had fun hanging out with family!
Asher's doing his best to keep up with his grandparents...
- shopping at the commisary with Grandma Dobbs
- helping Grandpa Dobbs way up at the top of the air traffic control tower...
(Sorry he's not looking at the camera... he's too busy landing this...)
Just kidding! We understand the serious ramifications of that and know better! :)
-He's also been learning how to read so he can keep up with Grandpa and Grandma Anderson on their business trip/vacation in Australia... yeah, we're jealous too!
Here he is reading his postcard from them of a joey.
I've also been hanging out with my little sister as she prepares for her upcoming wedding in July! :)
We're looking forward to the big day, though I can't believe my baby sister is old enough to be getting married! We're so happy for her, though!
Anyway that's it for our long overdue update. We'll be back tomorrow with the weekly pic! And then Eric and I will be celebrating our 3rd year of marriage on Wednesday... the fun times just never cease! Life is good!