Sunday, January 27, 2013

That's right folks, he's walking!

Sorry this took us a while to get up.  Like I said, life's been crazy as of late.  :)  This was a week or two ago now.  He's 13 1/2 months in this video.  It's worth watching to the end.    Enjoy!

Life just got a little more interesting!  :)


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

14 months

I know, I know, it's been a really long time since we've posted. Our little guy really has been keeping us busy!  But... here we are today!  :)  Can you believe Asher is 14 months old already?!

Have you missed his pics in the yellow chair? The long wait is over. Feast your eyes on our cutey pie.

Did you note all the teeth above?! :)  Here he is with a little more normalish face. :)    

And, the yellow chair pics are getting a little more dangerous than they used to be, as you can see below.

Well the biggest news, I guess, is that our little guy is finally on the go.  He started walking about 2 weeks ago, and is getting braver every day.  Walking a little farther before falling, stepping out more often of his own initiative from the furniture and what not.  It's a lot of fun to see him toddling into the kitchen to find me.  It surprises me everytime, because it's still so new, and because more often than not, he still chooses to crawl.  But, man, is he a super fast crawler!  :)   We'll post a video tomorrow of him walking! ( I was going to post it tonight but it's too late to wait on the download.) So check back then!
He's climbing the scale, weighing in at 23.5 lbs at his last Dr's visit a couple weeks ago.
He still jabbers ALL the time.   But he now is attempting real words... emphasis on attempting.  "Da" now stands for light, ball, and sock.  We only know what he's referring to by looking at what he's pointing at.  His favorite activity these days is turning light switches on and off, so when I'm carrying him up and down the stairs its a constant string of "da, da, da" and straining to reach the light.  He would do it all day if I'd let him.    He tries to put on his own socks and shoes, without much success but he at least knows where they go.  He understands soo much these days.  When I'm talking about his pjs, he grabs them and looks down at them.  Our fave is when we say "your hair looks sooo nice," he runs his hand across his head.  So cute! :)
I think I mentioned that he now feeds himself most everything, he keeps getting better and better with his spoon.  He eats about anything and everything!  He's a great little eater.  He's been weaned since Christmas and it was super smooth and easy for him.  He LOVES his whole milk! :) 
Anyway,  Eric's dragging me off to bed. ;)  Sooo, if there's anything I've forgotten I'll finish up tomorrow with the walking video. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What a Christmas!

Just about everyone on both sides of the family that we visited either came sick or got sick over Christmas, New Years, or both... and with all different kinds of things.  Some had the flu, others colds and sinus infections, others fevers or diarrhea. Lots of "sharing" and cross-contamination. Both grandmas were bedridden at one point on their respective "Christmas" days.   I think I had it all, and still have it... as do both Asher's grandmas.  :(  Yuck. Sorry to our moms.  Asher's on an antibiotic for an ear infection in both ears, and I'm on one for a sinus infection, but I think I'm in the middle of a stomach flu to top it all off.  We really had a blast. :)   My sister in law's blog post last week was titled "Merry Sickness."   I thought that summed it up pretty well.

We really did have a good time, though, all things considered.  Time with family is just never quite long enough. (Though they might have wished our germs hadn't stayed so long.)  Since Asher was born, I can't count the number of times I've wished we lived nearer to one of the grandparents!   What a blessing to spend time with everyone, and to be so richly blessed by their generosity on top of it.  Asher's had an absolute blast with all of his new gifts since we've been home. Not a moment of boredom out of him yet.  I've been curled up with a new book late into the night (which is probably not helping the health)  and Eric's been gaming it up with a new card game, x-box game, and r/c helicopter.   Enjoying a little, I think, the fact that I've not been feeling up to hanging out together in the evenings and he can do whatever he wants without having to ask me what I'd like to, or feel we need to, do.  It's nice once in a while to give each other the freedom to play independently in the evenings, especially right after Christmas before normal life picks back up fully!   

Asher got his wish for his two front teeth... or seven.   We left home with just his two bottom teeth showing, and literally came home with seven a week later!  He's now the proud owner (?) of four top teeth and three bottom ones. :D  Rather looks like a different kid when he smiles!  He's also gained the skill of feeding himself with a spoon at 13.5 months!  What an awesome kid.  Maybe he'll walk one of these days, too....

Anyway,  I'll post a more pictoral post of the Christmas holidays here soon, but I've got some major sifting to do first.  Eric and I received a brand new spiffy camera from my parents, and I wouldn't be surprised if my hubby took a thousand pics over the holidays.   Many of this sweet little face...

So see you soon!  Hope you're all enjoying the respite after Christmas and are not feeling too under the weather yourself from everything going around! 

The Dobbs