I took the pics but I didn't get them posted...
Here's Asher at 21 months on August 22nd.
And here he is at 22 months on September 22nd.
Anyway, it's been a while since I've blogged at all, let alone about Asher's developments. So for those of you who care, keep reading, for those who don't, feel free to duck out. : )
It's been such a fun last few months with Asher, if I were to sum up his development in the last few months in one word, it would be language, language, language! I feel sometimes like I'm living with a little parrot. He's producing more words everyday on his own, echoing the last few words of everything I say, and words he's known forever but which have never quite sounded right, are starting to sound right, i.e. water which used to be "ah" is now "ah-ter." It's just been so much fun talking with him. :)
He knows about 8 colors, 5 shapes, and the letter O, which he points out EVERYWHERE.
Regarding interests, he still loves playing with balls. He surprises us with how well he throws and catches for still only being one! :)
He's also obsessed at the moment with basketball hoops, and I am now significantly more aware of how many there are in our neighborhood, because he points them out constantly! I always have to be in tune with things though, because "basketball hoop" sounds to me like he's saying "soccer soup" and while we don't watch much t.v. at all, his current fave is "Super Why" on PBS, and that one sounds to me like "soupy soup." A little too similar if I'm not paying attention to context. Eric's trouble with context is that he thinks "Barney" and "money" sound the same out of our little guy's mouth, and he's often caught saying things like, "no, we're not going to watch t.v. right now", when Asher's trying to show him a penny he found on the ground. :)
He likes playing with planes and trains, and the Fisher Price little people, building towers with blocks, playing his little guitar, and helping mom!
He's awesome at unloading the silverware portion of the dishwasher all by himself, and throwing away his diapers without being asked. He likes helping with carrying laundry between rooms and adores when I let him help me wash the dishes. He also loves attempting, emphasis on the attempting, to sweep. Such a good little helper. :)
Big news in the big boy department - we've successfully moved him into a twin bed! :) He loves it and the vast majority of the time stays in it. :) There have been of course a few nights where we spend 15 minutes or so putting him back in bed, but that is not every night and it's not been excessive ever. Last night unfortunately he rolled out of bed twice, though, and amazingly did not stir once, either when he fell out, or when we put him back in bed... crazy kid! We're just grateful for one easy success, because our one week of potty training earlier this month was a complete failure! BUT we acknowledge that he's still really young in that department.
Anyway, I'm sure there's a lot I'm missing, but that's what I've got for now!