Friday, December 6, 2013

Two years, can it be?

I give you Asher's last picture in the yellow chair, as is my trend - a couple weeks late. (And his first ones I took at two weeks... just 'cause I wanted to.)   For his birthday we moved him into his "big boy room" as we're keeping the nursery... well... the nursery for baby #2.   So in ten weeks time, hope we'll be posting pics of a new baby!  Cause seriously... when did this happen??? 


Man, a lot changes in two teeny little years! 


This is how Asher smiles anytime he sees a camera and says cheese.

And these are just sweet. 

I love you, little guy, more than I ever thought was possible.  At two, you talk ALL the time.  You're stringing 4-5 word sentences together.   You're super polite, overusing "thank you" and finally having figured out "please."  :)   We get so tickled when you say "good job, mommy" and "good job, daddy" over the silliest things like cutting up your food, or getting ourselves dressed.   And you're in a phase right now of asking us to "try" to do things in the sweetest little voice.  "Mommy, you try (to wash my face)."  Or come here, Asher, so Mommy can change your diaper ... "No, Daddy, try."  Like we haven't done it a hundred times before... :)   You know a few letters, most all your colors, a handful of shapes, and you count 1,2,3,4,9,10.  I may be biased, but I rather think you have a HUGE vocabulary!  A mom's allowed to brag a little, right?

You're in big time "do it myself/big boy mode".  (which tries mommy and daddy's patience to no end... but we're proud of your abilities to perform new skills by yourself too!) You want to dress and undress yourself, go up and down the stairs yourself, buckle yourself in, eat your food uncut, use "real" cups without a sippy lid, not wear a bib... we're hoping this mindset transfers over well when we attempt to start potty training this weekend! 

You amaze us with your ability to catch and throw balls, how much you love music and dancing (especially with mommy :) ), and your awareness of the baby in my tummy.  You pat it and talk to it, and tell me it is crying and then you tell him/her "it's okay, baby."  You also amaze me with how much you love seeing your friends and how many, many, many peoples' names that you know!

You crack us up by how sensitive you are to new textures and experiences.  While you'll FINALLY touch playdough and fingerpaint, I had to drag you outside the first time it snowed this year (and you still haven't worked up the nerve to touch it), and you wouldn't touch or taste the frosting on your birthday cake when we were frosting it, because it was too "sticky" and you kept having to wash your hands. :)  We love all your little quirks though.  Especially how much you love snuggling with your hands up our sleeves, as you are sleeping on my lap now.  I love these rare moments when you still will fall back asleep in my arms after a nap that wasn't quite long enough. :) I know I won't get to snuggle with you like this too much longer. 

What I'm still waiting for is for you to sing.  I'm sure you know some songs, but the only time I've heard you're sweet voice, you acted embarrassed and timid and wouldn't continue.   What a personality you already have!  

Cute things you've been saying lately: 

-When laying in bed you often ask for "something else"  as you often do when you are bored.  When I ask you what you need you just repeat "something else."  However, yesterday, when I asked what you needed, you answered "Jesus."  I know you were referring to the plastic one in your nativity set, but it was still sweet... and I still tried to tell you, at two, about how to ask Jesus in your heart.  :)

-When we were at the store buying a pizza crust, the clerk asked you what you were going to put on your pizza, and I genuinely did not expect you to answer her.  After several minutes, you smiled up at her and said "sauce."  :)

You are not perfect, and God is using you to make me more patient and self-sacrificial every day, like when you only nap for an hour most days, or when your little temper and independence flares, but I pray daily that God will soon be active in your little life as well, making us both into the people he wants us to be... so I don't get mad when you wake up earlier than I want you to, and so you will be transformed into the Man of God I pray you will be someday.  I love being your mommy, and I know your daddy desperately loves you too. 

We're so proud of you!  I could go on and on. 

Happy 2 years little guy!