Fall is definitely my favorite season, whether it is the great weather, the fun goings-on, or the fond memories I have associated with past falls. This year is no different, with my lovely wife and her fondness of having holiday parties. We had our 4th annual fall party, with great food, pumpkin carving, dinner and then barn dancing!
Here are some of the lovely pumpkins carved this year :)
And here is a picture of the three Dobbs pumpkins :)
And here they are lit up.
We capped off the night with a "barn dance", and the picture below is proof positive that a 36 week pregnant woman is perfectly capable of getting out on the town and cutting a rug (or wood floor, I guess). She didn't have to stay at home and sit on the couch, and she didn't go into labor! Sure, we sat out every other dance and she chugged some serious water, but we had a blast. So to everyone who asked us if we were trying to induce, the answer is no. :)

So as we cruise into the 37th week, baby is perfectly content to continue hanging out inside mommy. Meagan is pretty much ready for baby to come out, both to meet our little one, and to ease her growing discomfort. Baby has much less room these days, and his/her movements are quite a bit more pronounced. We'll see if we can't get another movement video. The baby could come any day now, and we're basically prepared. We can't wait to meet this little guy/girl, and it is both exciting and nerve-racking to know that one day it is just going to happen.
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