Asher is celebrating nine months today (yesterday... it just didn't get finished), and I was reflecting a little on what a huge difference
nine months makes. "Huge" is a bit of an understatment. :)
5 months |
8 months |
9 months! |
We planned to go on a cruise in March of 2011... before starting a family. Then, we found out I was pregnant the day before we left for the cruise... pretty great reason to celebrate! Here's a profile of myself from that trip - for comparison (1 month pregnant?). :) Yeah... Eric volunteered me to go up on stage during a comedy show. Granted he thought he was volunteering himself... but let's get back to the point here... seriously, wow,
nine months!
So on to Asher's first nine months of life... (or is it his second nine months?)
We re-created some pictures from when he was just a few days old....
To today. He has now been out in the world as long as he was in my belly. :)
Growing baby... shrinking mommy!!!! Woo hoo on that latter point!

I can't believe how much can happen in nine months. From pretty much being able to do nothing but lay around like a cute little lump... our little boy can now sit up on his own. Entertain himself for 20 minutes playing with toys, picking them up, switching them between hands. Pull up on furniture. Roll around the living room. He's trying his darndest to crawl. He can eat real food, drink from a cup. He can mimic our actions. He can clap, wave bye-bye, and turn the pages in a book. He says mama and dada, and a whole bunch of other jabbering noises. He smiles, and laughs, and has his own sense of humor. He cracks himself up everytime he sneezes or someone else sneezes. He loves when daddy is home in the morning on the weekends and can hardly contain his excitement when he gets home from work. He loves to jump when supported, and makes himself bounce when he's sitting on something soft. Eric even thinks he's starting to take some steps.
It's truly a miraculous wonder and miracle of God that in 9 months a baby can grow from being smaller than this dot (.) to the 10 lb giant in my belly, and then again from an adorable little lump to an inquisitive, interactive, jabbering, mobile little boy.
I can't even go to the bathroom anymore without him getting into mischief, which is what I was innocently (and quickly) doing the other day and came back to this. Umm... pulling up on a drawer... not exactly safe, buddy. As he pulled up, the drawer came out, plopping him back down on the ground. But he was still trying to stand up with it in this precarious postion! Thankfully it didn't come all the way out and smack him in the face!!!
I'm not sure when our baby turned into a little boy, but this picture from a couple weeks ago, continues to amaze me! He just all of a sudden got big.
All I have to say is, Wow, nine months! What a difference such a short amount of time can make!
Happy nine months, Asher! We love you!