Friday, August 17, 2012

The State Fair, part 2

We LOVE using the park and ride to the state fair.  We park downtown in a nice shaded uncrowded parking garage, hop a two dollar (round trip!) bus that delivers us to the fair gate and returns us from the fair gate to our car, no walking, no fighting crowds to park... it's great!  Asher was pretty enamored with his first bus ride and to be in a moving vehicle without being in his car seat.  

Eric and Asher strolling through the fair.

Asher loved watching the baby chicks!

He also loved petting the baby goat.  Sooo soft!

He also enjoyed seeing turkeys, cows, and sheep.... and, of course, the butter cow!

I was not so excited about going to the fair this year, we've been there the last three, and I'd seen it all for awhile.  But Eric thinks it's an annual thing, and after we went, I'm starting to agree, because I hadn't thought about how much fun it would be for Asher to see the animals and everything!  It's just going to be more fun every year as he gets older and can express himself more!  So I guess we can go every year... at least for now.  :)

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