So here's what you've all been waiting for... well, what I've been waiting for. :)
It's Wednesday, obviously, and well, Eric and I are youth leaders at our church's youth group, so we had that going on tonight. And there was a theme - to dress as a household object.
My brain kind of got stuck on that one, because I really didn't want my child's first halloween costume to be a chair or a spoon or something. What I really wanted was for him to be some cute little animal or something of that nature. However, I also thought it would be really fun if the three of us 'went together'. We brainstormed for a LONG time. For awhile I thought about being the three different utensils. Eric thought maybe we could be 'small, medium, and large' of something, but we couldn't decide what. Then Eric had a brilliant idea to appease my desire for Asher to be some cute little animal, AND meet the parameters of our theme for youth group. It was a mad dash to create them in two weeks time, and so I've been sewing and stitching and gluing and braiding and twisting and tying at every naptime and bedtime and independent moment I could find. So I present to you our very first Halloween costumes as a family of three.
The Groom... oh excuse me.... the BRoom.
The Mom... err... the MoP....
And that cute little thing we're both chasing around all day long... Can you guess what he is???
A little Dust Bunny, of course!!! :) (I may have gotten a little carried away on the fluff component...)
His little tail was wagging all over the place! :)
And his little bunny feet slippers. :)
Here's the best shot of the three of us. (Sorry it's a bit blurry. It was taken on a phone.) Man is that baby cute! :)
Anyway, Happy Halloween! I'm glad I can go back to doing things like dishes and laundry a naptime for a while... (my house is rather in disarray at the moment) but then I'm sure I'll be on to my next project soon enough... I mean, seriously, it's only three weeks till his first birthday! :) But for now, I'm very very glad it's done and over with. (BIG sigh of relief.)
Happy times!