Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's just one of those weeks...

Don't you hate those weeks, when it seems like EVERYTHING is coinciding at the same time? Like when something you do every other week, a monthly meeting you have, and something you're asked to do like every six weeks, etc, etc, etc,  ALL hit on the exact same week?  Well that's been our week.  I feel like we've been running around like complete crazies.  And then to top it off, tonight has been one of those nights when I wonder if we're helping our child or just harming him...  :( 

We had youth group tonight and it was our turn to lead the lesson.  We were scrambling to get out the door, and Eric was trying to print something off the computer.  Meanwhile, Asher lunged for the laptop and cord and in Eric's attempt to keep him safe, Asher fell face first into Eric's upright pencil.   Came awfully close to poking him in the eye, and left a stripe of graphite up his cheek.  :(

Then at the church, I was hurrying to get out some supplies and Asher decides it's the perfect moment to crawl under a table and spit up all over the place.  In an effort to pick him up before he army- crawled through it, I swung him up out from under the table, and at the worst moment he flung his head back and I wacked his forehead really hard into the metal edge of the table, and he split open the bridge of his nose.  Hurt mommy's heart pretty bad.  I'm glad he bounced back quickly from both, though, and hardly would have cried at all, if I hadn't been fighting him so hard to hold ice on his nose.   Poor little guy! 

Doesn't look so bad in these pics, but it's open and bloody, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were some serious bruising in the morning. :(

I'm glad Asher and I have NOTHING going on tomorrow.  :)   Hopefully it's a better day for him.   Though, then again, I've got a baby boy who's into everything and learning to walk.  Hmmm... can't protect him from everything... just most things, I hope. 


P.S. On a lighter note, did you notice the unintentional Brady Bunch imaging going on?  Only he's gazing at himself... :)  Sorry, no siblings in the works yet, folks!

1 comment:

Paisley said...

Poor buddy. Don't feel like bad parents... things like this are going to happen lots, it's no one's fault! And he's going to become a tough little guy! :)