Tuesday, June 26, 2012

7 months!

What to say about Asher today? Hmm....

Friday we celebrated 7 months!  I'm starting to get sentimental already about his babyhood flying by.  He's not teeny anymore.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he was 20 lbs already.

Nap time used to involve watching for a couple yawns, giving him his pacifier and snuggling a couple minutes and he was out!  Now we attempt to give him the pacifier and snuggle, but first he has to wiggle to stretch in every direction to see if there's anything he can reach to pick up and play with, and if not, he then has to explore the chair I'm sitting in. Stroke the back of it. Pat the arm of the chair.  Pull his pacifier out his mouth a few times. Play with it. Squirm and fuss a little, and then finally after climbing on me and sitting in about 10 different positions he'll finally wind down and fall asleep.  Daddy's much better at getting him to sleep these days 'cause Daddy is willing to walk around.  Asher's just getting too heavy for me to do that every single time I put him to sleep!  :)  So we talk and we sing and we read books to help him wind down, and then I often browse the internet while he drifts off.  We're getting a lot closer at night time to Asher being able to put himself to sleep... maybe we'll get there for naps sometime soon, cause it's getting kind of ridiculous.  :)

I just love him soooo much, though.  Every day I think I love him more.  It's hard to believe how strongly you can feel for a tiny little being that can't talk.  He gives lots of hugs and slobbery kisses and is sooo excited to see Eric and I when we return from going anywhere, he just melts our hearts!


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