Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A few old fashioned things

We got this old fashioned outfit from a baby shower a while back.  Eric thinks it makes him look like a girl, so we haven't worn it much, but if you think about it, back in the day all babies wore dresses and girlie looking clothes, so I guess it kind of makes sense that it might make him look feminine.  To Asher's benefit at least it's blue, and I, personally, think it's cute.  Anyway, I'm running out of clothing choices for the weekly picture because we're not quite in the next size yet, and for some reason I don't really want to post him in the same outfit twice.  So there you have it, you've seen our entire 6-9 month wardrobe. If his clothes look a little baggy next week, well, now you know why. :)  

I was also inspired to put him in this little outfit, because we visited our local auction house this weekend and I snagged some really cool, really old pieces of furniture for cheap. I was going to share them here; my old fashioned furniture finds with Asher in his old fashioned outfit... but as this is supposed to be a weekly post about Asher, I'll save that for tomorrow. 

Let me just say that EVERYONE loved Asher at the auction.  I don't know how many compliments I got about how good of a baby he was, how contented, how quiet, how cute. He smiled a ton, slept through half of it, and didn't make any more of a peep than a few happy squeals. :)  Granted the median age of attendees was probably 60 and most were grandparents, it's always nice to hear nice things about your kid. And I love how portable he is!  There really isn't much we can't do... though that is changing at night time.  Bedtime routines and being at home for them are more important for Asher than they used to be... anyway... that's a different story.

Hard to believe our little guy will be 8 months on Sunday!   


1 comment:

Paisley said...

Two things...

a) this is my favorite weekly picture so far! LOVE the vintage outfit, and his smile? Come on.

b) you may need to post these furniture finds asap. i'm impatiently waiting! where's this auction you speak of? invite us next time!!