Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Progress! :)

Hello all!  Happy Tuesday!  Time for Asher's weekly picture.  We're down to the last few as he'll be 1 in just over two weeks.  No tears now.  We'll keep posting pictures.  Maybe just on a Monday or Thursday or whatever day suits. 

Anyway... here's an update for ya.  This week Asher started trying to crawl up the stairs. Unfortunately, he also has no fear of trying to crawl right off the bed, the couch, or the TOP stair.  It rather scares me to death that he doesn't even hesitate!  Since we had a later crawler, we kind of postponed the purchasing of a baby gate, and well, now we're rather desperate, 'cause, man, is he fast!!!  Time to go shopping ASAP.

In other news, Asher's finally making some positive gains towards getting over his separation anxiety!  He's made it through three weeks in a row to date in the church nursery without my having to go get him! Yay, Asher!

Sleep is also getting better. The night before last night he was only up once for 20 minutes.  And after going in and laying him back down from standing up, he put himself back to sleep.  Last night wasn't so great, but we're getting there!  It's just good to see some success in the "no more middle of night feeding/rocking back to sleep" department.  A few pats on the back are finally doing the trick! 

Praise God for his answers to prayers and that he cares even about our little concerns.
Here's our little reader/drool factory.  :)


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