Wednesday, July 31, 2013

20 months, 9 days

Have I dropped the ball or what?!  I told Eric we were a week overdue for posting Asher's 21 month post, and he informed me he was only 20 months last Monday.  Huh.  I've been telling people for weeks he was just about 21 months.  :)   Whoops! :) 

Anyway here he is at 20 months, 9 days in the yellow chair.  :) 

Plus a bonus one. :) 

What has he been up to lately? 

  1. He's started mimicking about everything we say.  He'll repeat the entire alphabet one letter at a time if he doesn't get distracted by something else!  We'll have to try and capture it on video someday soon... but alas the second we turn on the camera he runs to the other side to try and see himself on it.  Really hard to get videos as of late!
  2. I think he's got a vocabulary of about 100+ words, but there's still only about 15 that anyone besides Eric and I would understand. 
  3. We've been working on the word "please" lately to curb some whining and he's getting pretty good at it.  Lots of "please, more, mommy." 
  4. He's started speaking fairly consistently in two to three word phrases.  "please up"  "mommy, more cheese", "daddy home", etc.
  5. Physically, he's mostly mastered going up and down one step, steps.  Our staircase is still too much of a challenge to do safely independently, but he stays upright going up and down one step locations. 
  6. He tries his darndest to jump and sometimes I think he thinks he really is jumping, but he bends his knees, strains as hard as he can, and his two little feet remain on the ground.  Soon, he'll get it figured out, but for now, it's fun watching him try. :) 
  7. He falls down a lot and falls off things a lot, mostly because he tries climbing more and more things all the time, tries running faster, forgets to pay attention to his feet... :)
  8. He's getting more and more independent, everyday as expected.  He can buckle the upper part of his car seat now, and gets upset every time I forget and do it for him. 
  9. He's more aware of how mommy and daddy do things and he doesn't much want to do things differently.  He much prefers metal forks and spoons over his plastic ones, wants to drink out of a real cup rather than a sippy, doesn't really much care for wearing bibs anymore... unless mommy puts one on too :), etc. 

...I'm sure there's more, but I'm also sure there are only about 5 people who find this interesting, so I'll stop now. :)  

Sorry this is so late!


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