Tuesday, December 20, 2011

4 weeks!

Well you might think that someone with a baby due at the end of November might have thought to christmas shop early this year, but no.  Eric and I made a Walmart run late last night, are crossing our fingers and hoping the last of our online purchases arrive in time, and for better or worse I'm planning on braving Des Moines for a few last minute things on Thursday... yes, three days before christmas.  Thankfully Asher blessed me today by taking a three hour nap, so I was able to get most of the gifts wrapped, but suffice it to say I don't have a lot of time to write much here today.  I will leave you with this:  Asher does not have socks on because he just finished peeing all over them, putting the number of times mom's been peed on during a diaper change into the double digits.  I've got to get this figured out!  :)  Enjoy the pics! 

  I caught a little smile!  And boy, are we ready for the baby acne to go away!

And I couldn't pass up these from earlier this week! :)


1 comment:

The Jefford Family said...

Love it!!! Brayden peed on me HUNDREDS of times....but Marshall has only once---so it gets better :) Try to put the new diaper on top of him as you are changing the other one---although, I am sure that you have been trying many tricks on your own, but that seemed to work for me! He is adorable!!! Glad things are going so well...and I cannot wait for our little boys to meet!!!!