Friday, February 22, 2013

Our little love bug

So I wrote this post on Valentine's Day last week, but didn't get the pics and videos uploaded until now... so sorry, we went a whole month again before posting.  Disregard most of the next paragraph, Asher is in fact 15 months today.  Woo hoo! :)  Here's his pic in the yellow chair - 

And a couple more crazy shots for good measure! :) 

Here's Asher learning to surf. :) 

I know it's still a week away from Asher's 15 month update, but he's just in such a fun stage right now, I can't wait to share what he's been up to lately! :)  Besides, for those who follow, grandmas and what not, I suppose we should blog more than once a month anyway... :)   (Well, sorry, I didn't!)

Asher now walks more than he crawls.  He still has to pull up on something to get into a standing position but I don't think that'll last much longer.  (He just started standing up on his own in the middle of the room.)  It is still sooo much fun to see him come toddling around the corner.  :)   He's getting sturdier and faster on his two feet everyday!  And can FINALLY get himself safely down the stairs and off furniture without trying to head dive (most of the time!).

Case in point.


 Man, is getting a picture in the yellow chair getting hard! 

These past few weeks, neurons have been connecting like crazy, I think, because something in that little head just started to click with understanding and responding to language.  He loves books in a whole new way.  He's started bringing us books and crawling up in our laps for us to read them to him... all the time!  He's able to point to a number of familiar objects now in books when asked, such as: banana, ball, doggie, hat, shoes, etc.  Actions that I do with him when reading a specific book, he's started doing independently at the right time when daddy's reading that same book to him!  :)  Sooo cute! :)  He's able to respond to and follow through on some very simply commands - go get your shoes (he'll walk to where we keep them), let's get some milk - he'll head to the kitchen, and twice now, he's followed through when asked to put something in the garbage can, even from the other room!  (We have to watch really closely now though, because he's started throwing away everything!  How do you teach your kid what is and is not acceptable to put in the garbage can?) :)

He knows many of his body parts and will point to them when asked.  He has started "reading" books to himself - not just looking at them, but babbling as he turns each page.

He's also entered the stage of immitation, BIG time.  He'd much rather be following me around doing what I'm doing than playing by himself... which can be difficult at times, because he'll break down crying ALOT when I don't let him help me with something (like washing the knives, or straighten my hair. :) )  Though I recently discovered that that crying decreases dramatically if I pull over a chair or step stool and let him be up with me at my level, so he can see counter height and be a part of what I'm doing.  He had quite a blast up at the counter with the q-tips this morning, and it was the first time in weeks that I'd been able to fix my hair without a crying boy clinging to my legs!  Success! :)   The cutest part was that he watched me intently while I used one to clean out my ears, and two seconds later, what do you know, but he's jamming a q-tip in his own ear... oops.... really gotta be careful now with what he sees me do!  :)  

One of our new faves in the realm of imitation:

So helpful in the kitchen too! :)  (Only way I can get anything done!)  Love our new smock from IKEA!  Though it should fit until he's 6 or 7! :) 

He also started playing differently with a little more imagination.   Stuffed animals now get hugged and squealed over and all are affectionately called "doggie."  He's sooo sweet and loving.  :)    We put a blanket over the new kids table grandma and grandpa Anderson gave us for his birthday, and he's been having a blast playing fort under it!  Drags toys in and sits under there playing! :)   A couple of times when the blanket has been off he's crawled over to it, and tried to lift it up, asking for us to put it back on. :) 

Note his sudden change at the end of the video and his sudden motivation to go go go... daddy just walked in the door from work. :) 

Like I said, just a super fun stage right now!  Even though half our days are full of tearful breakdowns because he'll get frustrated he can't do something, reach something, move something, etc, or because I won't let him do what he wants (walk down the stairs, play in the cupboard with glass), or because I won't give him another graham cracker, or make him stop playing to take a nap or stop playing to change a poopy diaper, etc, etc, etc.  :)   I'm afraid we're going to have a tantrum thrower on our hands before too many more months have passed. Prayers, please, as we proceed with that! But who knows, he's still a super super sweet little guy.  He just has a new awareness of his wants, desires, and abilities.  Of course there's still the super fun other half the day, full of his laughter and amazement.  :)  

And can we just take a moment to rejoice in the fact that he is now consistently (finally!) sleeping a full 12 hours every night without a peep! :)  If only nap time was so nice... I'll occassionally get a 2-3 hour nap, but more often than not, I'm fighting tooth and nail to get him to take more than one 45 minute nap a day.  I always try for a second nap if it's not at least an hour, but nap time has been the toughest, not ever feeling like I really get much of a break to get anything done!  45 minutes a day doesn't really cut it. 

Anyway, this has become ridiculously long!  Thanks to those of you who've stuck with me till the end!  :)   I'll work on making it more shorter posts this upcoming month.  

Wishing you a wonderful day! And may your children nap longer than mine. :) 


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