Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blessings and Frustrations :)

Blessings!  Well I was very blessed last Sunday by my friends Paula and Sara, who hosted an awesome baby shower for us! Thanks ladies, as well as all the others who provided food and to everyone who came!  It really meant a lot to Eric and me!  It was so much fun to celebrate our coming baby with such good friends, and we were truly "showered" upon!  I think there are only 5 or 6 true necessities left that we still have to buy before baby arrives, and then most of the other things can wait until after Christmas or we can just try to do without!  We're just plain feeling blessed to have such awesome friends!  Here's a few pics from the event.  (Guests were instructed to wear pink or purple if they thought it was going to be a girl, and blue or green if they thought it was going to be a boy.  I wore them all. :))

Frustrations...  As you can see from the pic in Eric's last post, I am getting pretty big these days, and with that I'm daily encountering more and more things that I can no longer do.  Granted they're temporary, and baby's such a blessing, they're worth it, but regardless.... here's the list of things that I can no longer do, at least without difficulty... and well sometimes frustration!

1. Trim my toenails.
2. Put on my socks.
3. Tie my shoes, even fit into all my shoes!
4. Pick things up off the floor.
5. Get up off the floor.
6. Get in and out of the car in a skirt.
7. Run errands without having to use one (or more) of the stores' restrooms. 
8. Roll over in bed.
9. Find clothes that fit. 
10. Cross my legs.  (Which I discovered at church a few Sundays when I was wearing an knee length skirt.)

Thankfully, though, I have an awesome husband who is willing to help (even with trimming my toenails!) and who is patient when I have to stop to pee as often as a small child.  Thanks, honey!  I truly am blessed, and we can't wait for baby to arrive!   (4 1/2 weeks and counting!)


1 comment:

Christine Roberts said...

wow.....He trims your toenails....wowzers. We definitely couldn't do that! haha :) Almost there!! yeah yeah yeah!!!!