Friday, October 7, 2011

Head Down!

Best news of the week - I had an appointment yesterday and for the first time in any appointment throughout this entire pregnancy, baby's head is down!  Let's hope it stays there!  Everything else checked out healthy!  Strong heart beat for baby, good blood pressure for me, glucose test checked out healthy, iron test is good, I know I'm gaining more weight than I should, but doctor still said it looked good at yesterday's visit! Praise God for a healthy pregnancy thus far!  

Baby has also taken to kicking even more vigorously in the last few days, at a time when all the books say that baby will probably be slowing down because of limited space. Not our baby! :)  It'll first stick its little foot or rump out, making a bump a good three inches off the surface of my belly, and then do something that kind of feels like a side kick as it retracts the other foot making my belly literally jiggle back into place.  I think it might be practicing karate in there!  Or else he/she is just trying to stretch me out!  "Mom give me more space in here!  Hmm... maybe if I push hard enough in two different directions at the same time, it'll stretch out..." (Sorry baby, all that happens is that the belly jiggles right back into place, and gives me great enjoyment. You'll be out soon!)

Most everyone who sees my belly guesses that it's a boy... something about how I'm carrying... but who knows how accurate those old wive's tales are. I think I just have such a short torso that baby doesn't have anywhere else to go but straight out. :)  Regardless, I don't think it's possible that I could be disappointed by one gender or the other, I'm just so excited for it to come out so I can meet him or her!  I feel like I know how to play "girl" better than boy, but Eric assures me that he'll teach me how to play "boy" too. :)

I've also been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions on quite a regular basis these days.  Not the most fun thing in the world, but if they are the cause behind baby's head being down and staying down, I'll take them! :)

Anyway, I think that's all for now.  We'll be posting a pic of my 8 month belly next week already! Only 6 more weeks to go if baby makes it to the due date!  We can't wait!


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