Friday, November 4, 2011

The Nursery

So I'm pretty proud of my work in the nursery... so I thought I'd share some of the pics. :)  I wish I had some before and after pictures, but unfortunately, I don't.  So I'll do my best to describe what we did.  

Since we don't know the gender, Eric painted the walls a nice pastel green and then I decided to decorate with one of my Mother Goose books, because I absolutley ADORE the illustrations in it.  I bought a second copy of the book and sliced out all the pages, but boy was it hard to narrow them down to a few favorites!   I bought the rack at Hobby Lobby and painted it white, and then bought some cheap frames at Target... and Voila, my mother goose masterpiece.   

This was one of my favorites in the book (of Humpty Dumpty), so I paid for it to be framed professionally at Hobby Lobby.   Isn't it adorable? :)

Here's our crib from Target.  Eric's mom made us a dust ruffle and bought us some cute wall clings.  My mom got us a musical mobile that matches the colors in the room perfectly.  Above the bed is the nursery rhyme of the Man in the Moon, as well as Eric's technological addition of a video baby monitor. :)

I attempted to make this piece of furniture by myself one afternoon with some wood in our garage after watching a string of  HGTV shows on Hulu and being thoroughly inspired to create something.  BUT after realizing my complete lack of knowledge on how to use a drill, and spending an afternoon on and off the phone with Eric in tears of frustration (and pregnancy emotions), I gave up on it being a surprise and let Eric do the drilling for me when he got home.  Granted if I'd let him do it all by himself, as an engineer, I'm sure it would have been more structurally sound, but he was being kind and helped me do what I had been trying to do on my own.   It'll work for now. :)  

This was one of my more sucessful projects, and the one I most wish I had a before picture of.  Eric's parents gave us an old dresser that wasn't wanted anymore.  It was covered in a glossy light wooden laminate of sorts.  I sanded it down, primed and painted it, bought some new hardware, and a few days later, had an adorable dresser/changing table that matches the rest of the furniture in the nursery! 

And we've been going backwards this whole blog, because this was the very first project I did when I found out I was pregnant.  Some sort of mothering instinct kicked in and I wanted to do something for baby... we hadn't told anyone we were pregnant yet, so it helped quell my urges to tell everyone we were expecting.  I dug up a bunch of fabric scraps from my craft room, and just started cutting without a pattern and ended up with this fun, brightly colored quilt.  I've never made a quilt of any kind before, so while it's not perfect, I'm pretty proud of it.  I have to admit though that I have watched my grandma make quilts a hundred times before, so I at least had some ideas of where to start!  :)   Being the newly pregnant mommy that I was, I added the heart on the back so baby would always know I'd made it just for them! :)  

So  here's a quick overview of the room...

We're still waiting for our ordered glider (white wood with yellow cushions) for the empty corner by the book shelf, but other than that, I think we're ready for baby any day he or she would like to join us!  The due date is a mere two weeks away, and I can hardly wait! 



Paisley said...

i LOVE your nursery... and all the DIY work you did, and the personal meaningful touches! you've got one lucky babe in there! and your little heart on the quilt got me all teary-eyed. (and i don't even have pregnancy hormones) :)

Fisch Tales said...

It looks beautiful!!! Great job! Now I can't wait to see your little one in there!!! Come on baby!