Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So I've been getting frustrated with these weekly pictures the last few weeks.  Can't really remember if I've mentioned that or not, but if I have this can be an update for you all... and I apologize if I'm repeating myself. 

Anyway, first of all,  I feel pressure - though I know it's silly- to put him in a new outfit that's never been seen in a weekly picture, which can be a challenge if I haven't done laundry in a while.  Then, on top of that, I have to keep it clean enough until he's in a time of day when he's not too sleepy or too hungry where he'd fuss through the whole photo session, which finding the right timing is a whole 'nother issue.   And then of course curiosity is in full swing in this little guys life.  He spends the first half of the photo shoot squirming to try and reach things off the bookshelf next to the chair, or trying to stick his arm down as deep as he can between the cushion and the arm rest.  (Don't get me wrong, I adore his curiosity these days, it just gets overwhelming when I'm trying to get a picture of him sitting still and looking cute.)   Then he spends the second half of the photo shoot crying because the camera looks like an awfully fun toy that mom's playing with and mom will not share!  So today we compromised and he got to hold a new "toy" for the first time in one of his photo shoots... the case for the memory card.  Ooo, how exciting! 

I told Eric it's losing its fun factor for me, but Eric has and end goal photo project in mind for when Asher turns one, and I know I'll appreciate these pictures in the long run, so I will persevere.  Even though half the time I get him all ready and the memory card is not in the camera, or the batteries are dead, or some other crazy to add to this hectic 15 minutes every Tuesday.  :) 

It's not really all THAT bad.  And I do enjoy seeing the results. 

Anyway, as for Asher's growing curiosity, many positive developments have been occurring.  He's crawling further, faster, which is fun to see, but definitely keeps me on my toes.  In addition to sticking his arm down the heating vents, he also has discovered the "joy" of sticking his hand in the VCR... yes, we still own one of those. ;)  My last weekly post became a self-fulfilling prophesy, of sorts.  Within days of writing that he doesn't put things in his mouth, he started feeding himself his Cheerios!  Woohoo!  And today fed himself chunks of fruit!   But with it came the new curiosty of mouthing things. Yes, after 10 months of not putting anything in his mouth, Saturday we looked back at him sitting in his car seat sucking on his sock covered toes.  His sock was soaked!  And then today when we were playing outside, I turned around to find him with an entire leaf in his mouth.   I'm just grateful it wasn't one of those brittle fall leaves that would have been in a hundred pieces in his mouth.  Definitely keeping me on my toes.  :)

It's a blast though, and its super fun hearing him jabber.  He carries on entire conversations with us in some made up language. :)   Zabba dubba bizu buza.... on and on, while he looks us in the eye like whatever he's saying makes perfect sense.  That's when we most wish we could see what's going on in that little brain of his!  

I'll stop rambling for now, because I think I better be getting dinner started, but I leave you with these pics.  Not the best, but they best show his hair (growing nice and long right on top), and his two little teeth.   (You can click on them to view them larger, if you desire.)

Happy Tuesday!

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