Friday, March 23, 2012

God's still in the little things

I had a pretty big scare the other night over the loss of my wedding ring.  I realized I didn't have it on when I was running from my car into the hospital on Wednesday night.  It was dark and rainy and I was fumbling for my phone and hurrying to get back to Asher after running home for a quick shower.

I've been wearing it on my pinky since Asher was born, as it just doesn't quite fit yet on my ring finger.  I took a quick glance around but assumed I must have just left it on the bathroom counter at home.  Eric forgot to check for me when he went home that night and I spent all of the next day unable to shake the horrible feeling that it might have fallen off on the sidewalk outside of the hospital. 

When Eric stopped by, I went and looked outside with no success and was even more devastated when it wasn't to be found in its usual spot at home.  I told Eric that if I found a ring outside I would turn it in to the police, he said he would have turned it in to the hospital.  So even though I hoped it was still at home somewhere, we thought it wouldn't hurt to check... and lo and behold, one of the nurses had seen it on the sidewalk coming in for her shift and turned it in to the hospital!  What a gut wrenching, sickening feeling to realize it really had spent the night out on the sidewalk for anyone to find, but what a huge relief that it had been found by someone honest! 

Praise God for answering prayers for the little things. (While a wedding ring has great value, everything is put in perspective when your baby's hooked up to oxygen in the hospital!) It brings me comfort to think how much God must be watching over Asher when he was watching over a little piece of metal and shiny rock that was of value to me.  Anyway, my ring is now securely back around my neck where it hung throughout the duration of my pregnancy.   New motivation to lose those last 10- 15 pounds... I can't wait to get it back on my finger! :)

P.S. Asher continues to improve, is needing less oxygen. less IV fluids, and fewer nebulizer treatments all the time!  We'll be here at least till Saturday or Sunday, though, still.  He has to make it through a whole night without needing oxygen.  Thanks again for all your prayers!



Nicole said...

Wow so glad that nurse found your ring!

Meagan&Eric said...

Yeah, me too!