On Thursday Asher developed a bit of a cough. We didn't think a whole lot of it, but last night it got progressively more mucousy and thick, and today Meagan thought he was running a bit of a fever. We're in Clarinda, but we called Marshalltown first nurse, and she thought it would be a good idea to take him in to get checked out, which meant a trip to the emergency room. Once there, they did some tests to check him out.
Tests not seen would be looking into his little ear, listening to his chest, and sticking a swab pretty darn far up his little nose. Not sure, but there may have been a bit of gray matter on the tip when it came out. Needless to say, he was not pleased.
The outcome of these inspections/tests is that he not only has an ear infection in each ear, but he also has RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus). Sooo, he had a nebulizer treatment at the hospital, which we'll continue at home along with saline/suction and antibiotics.
But even sick he's got a pretty good temperament. He went to a baby shower this morning, and has been generally happy and chatty for most of the day.

We'll continue to monitor him, and hopefully he kicks this thing pretty quickly, because it just isn't very fun to be sick.
We'll post more about the weekend and the baby shower later. Keep Asher in prayer!
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