Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gorgeous weather!

Hard to believe we've been having 70-80 degree weather in the middle of March in Iowa, but we're soaking it up without complaint! Asher and I have been getting out everyday this week on walks to get him some fresh air and me some exercise. 

This pic was from Saturday... today I was in shorts and a t-shirt!!!

It's been so warm, that I even put him in shorts today too! I can't get over these pics! :)

We're headed to the grocery store on our walk again today for Eric's corned beef and cabbage.  St. Patty's day kind of snuck up on me!  St. Patrick's day has always been a fun holiday for me to celebrate with green foods, green accessories, and now my husband's addition of corned beef and cabbage, but it's even more fun for us now, because last year, March 17th was the day we found out I was pregnant!  It's crazy and wonderful to think about that tiny little dot on the screen with the racing heart beat being the same person as my happy, strong little boy today. 

And, boy, is he getting strong! We've always known he was strong even when he was still in the belly, and when he was able to hold his head up when he was just a few days old... so this doesn't really surprise me. 

But now we're just waiting for some of the more manual motor skills to pick up... rolling over, putting weight on his arms during tummy time instead of flailing them with his head up at at 90 degree angle... (I'll have to try and capture a pic.) And well you know he just started grabbing toys last week.  But we're not concerned, we think he's working on language first... he jabbers all the time. Constantly cooing, laughing, making noises at about anything and everything.  We love it!

We're looking forward to his 4 month appointment next week to find out his height and weight stats... but at the same time dreading round two of immunizations.  We'll keep you posted!  Get out and enjoy the glorious weather!


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