Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weekly pic- 10 months, 1 week (Sorry, can't think of a title)

Happy Tuesday everyone!  

Quick qualifier on our last post about coloring.  A friend commented on our last post saying "I've never thought about giving my babies crayons, because doesn't he put them in his mouth?"  Good point, but ummm... guess I forgot to mention, Asher doesn't put things in his mouth.  HUGE blessing when it comes to toys and not worrying about what's on the floor.  HUGE issue when we try to get him to feed himself!   He can pick those cheerios up with the most perfect pincer grasp, but he's yet to put a single one in his mouth.  And he LOVES cheerios.  Here's a list of the things Asher puts by himself into his mouth:
   1. His fingers. 

I guess any day that could change and he'll surprise me and have a big piece of something gross in his mouth off the ground... but for now, we try to remember to appreciate the blessing side of it when we're at the dinner table! 

In other news, he continues to increase his mobility.  He army crawls all the way across the living room floor now.  Though he often gets stuck under the coffee table crying 'cause he can't get out without continuously bonking his head. Poor guy. It's fun seeing him scoot all over the place, though! :)

 Enjoy the pic!  Oh and check out the two little teeth!!!!


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