Friday, February 24, 2012

Asher's Dedication

Well I'm finally getting the opportunity to blog about Asher's dedication last Sunday, better late than never I guess.  Grandma and Grandpa Dobbs arrived Friday and were so excited to see Asher after having not seen him since Christmas!  He loved it too. :) 

Sunday morning my parents arrived as well along with my sister, Bethany, and my grandma, Marge.  Doesn't Asher look so dapper in his little suit coat, polo shirt, and khakis?  :) 

Such a special day... what a blessing for us that Asher has such a rich Christian heritage!

Three generations of Dobbs men! 

Asher did great throughout the service...  and while the day was a lot of fun to be surrounded by family, to put Asher in such adorable clothes, and to be glad that he didn't cry through his dedication, it was a very serious moment for us that we did not take lightly.   We vowed before God to raise our child in an environment where he will hopefully make a decision to follow Jesus sooner than later.  What an overwhelming task ahead of us to live our lives exemplifying Christ to our child.  But what a great blessing that our family, friends, and church congregation made the same vow, and will support our human efforts.  We pray that God would grab our little boy's heart as soon as he's able to comprehend what Jesus did for him.     

And, while a superficial concern, I was awfully grateful that God answered my silly prayers and that he helped Asher wait to have his weekly Sunday morning blowout until he was sitting in his car seat on the way to lunch instead of in the middle of church like he normally does.  Way to go, Asher.  Thanks for waiting... but maybe let's just stop that tradition all together, how 'bout?  :)

We changed his pants and he had to sit through lunch without socks, but our sweet little boy was so worn out from being so good all morning that he zonked sitting up, and slept through mid afternoon.  :)  

The family stuck around for the afternoon, and we had alot of fun just hanging out!  I know Eric already posted this pic of the girls on pinterest, but I'd just like to add my side of the story, that the boys were all outside in 30 degree weather flying a remote controlled airplane at the time, and I wish I could have captured a picture of them huddled around the computer moments earlier watching the videos of their flight. It would have been just as good. :)

It was a great day, a great weekend!  Here's just a couple more pics of Asher that were just too sweet to not include in the post. 

Thanks Grandmas and Grandpas for loving Jesus and for loving us enough to exemplify Christ to Eric and I when we were children and for now loving Asher in the same way!  We all fail from time to time, but thankfully God is full of grace and makes up for our mistakes. Praise be to Jesus for this beautiful baby boy.


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