Saturday, February 4, 2012

Girls' Craft Night

Remember when I said I was going to make Valentine sock monkeys, and had been pumping milk to leave Asher home with daddy?   Well... that was last night.   I had a great night!  Unfortunately it wasn't so great for Eric.  The sock monkey making was super fun, and it was nice getting out of the house and spending some time with some great girl friends.  But little Asher decided not to cooperate and he wouldn't take the bottle for daddy.  So after 20 minutes of Asher crying his eyes out, Eric called, and my awesome husband decided to bring him out to me to feed him.  I felt horrible for Eric that Asher wasn't cooperating as I could hear the stress in my husband's voice, but my wonderful husband never expressed anything but disappointment that he wasn't able to give me my girl's night without interruption!  Let me first say that I did not mind one tiny little bit taking a 20 minute break from sock monkey making to feed my baby.  But beyond that, how awesome to have a husband who gave up his own hopes and plans for the evening to drive Asher 15 minutes out of town for me to feed him, wait around in a house full of girls, and then drive him back home.  I offered to keep Asher with me, but Eric wouldn't hear of it.  He wanted me to have my night.  What an awesome man to have as my partner in parenthood!  

He had Asher asleep by the time I got home at 10:15, but having not fed him since 7:45, I woke Asher up to eat at 11:45 before I went to bed, and our little boy slept straight through the night until 6:00!   I fed him at 6:00 and except for a brief time awake at 7:30, he fell back asleep until 9:30!  What a Saturday morning treat!  Anyway, here's my Valentine sock monkey, which turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. :)   And we'll throw a couple recent cute pics of Asher just for good measure.  :) 


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