Tuesday, February 21, 2012

3 months!

It's hard to believe that Asher will be three months old tomorrow!  He's so, so close to laughing and has just recently starting grabbing at toys.  He prefers to sit propped up rather than lay on his back these days, because he really likes to watch his feet.  I'm afraid we may have a baby who learns to sit before he rolls over. :)  (That said, he still spends plenty of time laying on the floor and we do tummy time everyday so no need to worry.) 

The best news of the week is that Asher has slept through the night for four nights in a row.  Friday night he went from 10-6 between feedings, Saturday night from 11-5, Sunday night from 9-5:30 and Monday night from 9-6:45!  He goes to sleep about an hour after the start of that last feeding, so he's sleeping 5 - 8 hour stretches now, and then will often sleep another hour or two after he eats in the morning.  I'm counting my blessings, 'cause it's been pretty marvellous. :)   Hopefully it lasts!

I think a big contributor of the sleep though is that he's not hurting for calories.  We weighed him this past weekend and he was a whopping 15 lbs 10 oz... at three months.  He has 8 month old friends that weigh only a pound or two more.  I promise I don't feed him more often than every 2-4 hours! :)  (And remember that he was 10 lbs at birth!)

Anyway, here's his pic of the week. Thanks Aunt Lyndsey for the adorable outfit! 

Asher's new favorite activity...staring at his feet. :)

The jacket's still a little big and as it's puffy it adds a couple inches to his waist... but isn't it cute?  


1 comment:

Carrie said...

He is SO cute! What a big boy :)