Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Time for Me!

Sometimes as a stay at home mom, I miss having time on my own, to just have some "me" time. When Asher's sleeping, entertaining himself, or hanging with Eric, I often feel like I need to be productive, doing laundry, dishes, etc.  But I'm finding that when I do that, I can from time to time end up feeling like I'm working 24/7, and then when I do take a break, I end up feeling like I'm just wasting time.

And well, I got some "me" time this weekend while Eric's parents were here and it's so rare these days that I didn't know what to do with myself.  So Eric's mom suggested something along the lines of making a list of things I like to do on my own so that when I get a moment (when other priorities aren't pressing) I can easily grab something.  For me that would be something like a list of books I want to read, or recipes I want to try, or crafty projects I'd like to do to make my house prettier or more organized.

Anyway, Asher took a rediculously long nap this afternoon, and I felt (after prepping our youth group lesson for tonight, paying the bills, loading the dishwasher, and making sure that we had something for dinner) that I could take a break and do something for myself.  Unfortuately I haven't made "my list" yet so I found myself browsing Pinterest looking for something I could do with anything I had a home and here's what I found...

Sewing ~ Pajama Eaters ...These are so cute. In the morning, kids put their PJs inside them until bedtime.

They are pajama eaters!   The mouth is a zipper and kids are supposed to store their pajamas in them during the day.  Since I first saw this a few weeks ago, I've been brainstorming ways to modify these for Eric and I, because I'd rather not have Eric's draped over the bed all day, and he doesn't really like mine in a pile on the bathroom floor. :)  So, I searched my craft room for fabric and found... none. At least not enough of anything that would look good in our bedroom.  But before getting too discouraged, it dawned on me that I had just packed away a bunch of ratty, old jeans of Eric's to get rid of.  And here's what I made with them!

Pajama bags!  Only took me about 20 minutes too!  I just cut off the legs of his jeans from the knee down, sewed up the bottom of the leg, hemmed around the top, hot glued a ribbon on either side of the inside so I could tie it up, and Voila! Our pajamas are neatly stored in cute bags on our bed! 

It's amazing how doing something so simple can make such a huge difference in my emotional health!  And they're going to bring me joy for days to come. :)

Here's how they look on the bed. Can't wait to show Eric when he gets home!



Nicole said...

nice! I like the pajama eaters too but yeah no skills here. Great idea with the jeans! Looks great!

Paisley said...

LOVE this idea! they look so decorative on your bed!