Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A day late...

So it's a Wednesday pic, not a Tuesday pic, but with good reason. I've discovered the hardest part so far of being a parent... is being a sick parent. I've been battling a stomach bug since Friday, but thought I was over it by Saturday night and felt fine all day Sunday, but then Monday night it returned with a vengeance and I came down with a 102 degree fever, headache, lightheadedness, upset stomach, you name it. And well getting up every three hours in the night to feed Asher just became much, much more difficult. 

So anyway, I have an awesome husband who offered to stay home to help out, but in the end, my also awesome mom ended up coming up to spend the day with me! It was such a huge blessing. She not only watched Asher for me while I napped in bed or crashed on the couch, but also brought me all the best sick foods (sprite and jello top the list), did my dishes, folded and put away my laundry, and made us dinner. Plus I got to hang out with my mom for the day.   Did I get spoiled or what?!?   The chance to rest was much needed though, and by the time she left I was feeling much better! My fever broke around 10 pm last night, and am feeling significantly better today with nothing but a lingering headache left! Thanks, Mom.

So anyway, here's Asher's weekly pic.  His little belly just keeps growing!  :)  We also love, love, love these jammies from Great Aunt Reena (but then again, I've always had a soft spot for sock monkeys :) ).

Check out the little feet. :)     
                                                                                                           ... and the little butt. :) 


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