Friday, January 20, 2012

FREEDOM!!!! :)


Well nursing isn't exactly a burden, but it sure is nice to know I can take a break if I really need one.   I've been gearing up to attend a ladies crafting night with a bunch of friends the first weekend in February (we're going to make Valentine Sock Monkeys!), and I was hoping to be able to leave Asher home alone with daddy for the first time.  So... I started pumping a couple weeks ago, and after last night, it looks like I'm going to be able to go!  :)  I'm sure I'll be calling 15 times to check in, but it'll be good for my emotional health to get away for a few hours too.  Thanks to an awesome willing husband!  (Thanks, honey!) 

So anyway, we decided to do our first practice run last night, and after an quick little "this isn't quite right" glance at dad, he took right to it like a pro and downed a 5 oz bottle without hardly taking a break (we are now big fans of the double nipple breastflow bottles - pretty cool technology.)   But I think I'd better leave two bottles with dad just in case (since our bottles don't hold more than 5 oz.)!  Asher's been making direct eye contact with me through his entire feedings lately, so I think dad enjoyed getting to have that experience too.  

Wait a couple more weeks, and I'll be posting pics of my sock monkeys, along with an update on how the night went away from my little boy - not sure if it'll be really hard on me or if I'll be able to relax and enjoy the night away from home, but I guess we'll see!


1 comment:

Nicole said...

you'll love it and probably cry like I did the first time I left Micah :)