Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year

We've been into 2012 now for nearly a solid week, and still didn't get any mention of it into the blog.  We spent the first part of new year's eve at our friends the Pisney's house, and then came back home to relax into the new year. We watched the ball drop, took our little family picture, then zonked out.

And here's another family picture from New Year's Day morning before church.  Asher was looking quite dapper and we just couldn't resist.

Looking back on the last year, it's amazing to think of all that has changed in such a short amount of time.  Last March when we were two, free to do what we felt like, with little responsibility but for ourselves.  Then overnight you become parents.  They give you a baby and send you home.  Surely the biggest trial by fire I know.  But Asher sure is a blast, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Some things that have changed in just my first six and a half weeks of parenting:

- I don't check if he's breathing as often.  (still do it, but not as often)
- I've added a specific tone of voice to my repertoire.  It's an odd one, but it makes him smile, so I'll keep it.
- I've learned how to change diapers.  Yep, Asher's was my first ever, and I only plan to change those of my children.  And maybe eventually my wife.
- I've become confident in holding/handling a baby (not as fragile as you might think)
- I don't mind getting various bodily fluids on my clothes.  Most of my shirts end up with small spitup stains on the shoulders.
- When I hear Meagan make a startled/concerned sound, it is now generally due to her getting peed and/or pooped on while changing Asher.
- I love and cherish him more each day
- I appreciate Meagan more each day for everything she does.  She's an amazing mother and is doing a fantastic job with Asher.  I am so thankful for her.

Finally, I had the joy and good timing of taking this picture of Meagan and Asher.  Bring on the cute!

New year's resolution: Start patronizing the Y instead of just donating, as we currently do.  Gotta lose my sympathy weight.


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