Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Almost forgot!

I almost forgot about the Tuesday pic this week. Eric reminded me on his way home tonight, and I wasn't really up for it.  I did not dress him for it, and even though he looks awesome in blue, I have no idea if we've done a weekly pic in this same outfit previously, and his pants have also turned themselves into man-capris.  But we decided to do it anyway, and I'm sooo glad we did.  It was THE most fun photo shoot we've ever had!  He can not yet roll over, can not yet sit, or obviously crawl, but he was so mobile and so in control of his wobbly movements.  It was as if he'd discovered the chair for the first time.  He figured out how to rock the chair (whether he knew what he was doing or not), and he was enthralled with the soft checkered squares on the arm rest.  Leaning over to caress it, eat it, and then push himself back up into a sitting position, only to "crawl right back over."  He was ALL OVER, and it was sooo much fun!    

Case in point.

I love this pic for three reasons.

 #1 Can you believe how flexible babies are?  I mean, seriously, look at the location of his left foot.
 #2 He is entirely enthralled with an armrest. Who needs toys?
 #3 This is the first time I've seen any semblance of mischeviousness in his eyes, and I think his expression's adorable. :)
Anyway, we've gotta run!  See ya later!


1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I was waiting for my Tuesday blog picture. So glad you take these! He looks adorable.